Thursday, February 14, 2008

Blog update

Well I really want to update my blog but I have this person visiting my blog that I really don't want to know about my personal life. I know it sounds ridiculous, I've asked them to stop but they won't and they must not realize that the little program at the bottom of my blog tells me who has been visiting my site, so I KNOW who you are, please stop, last warning or I'll make it reader only and make it difficult for all my friends and family which isn't fair.

Thanks for respecting my families privacy, I've been respecting yours.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

President Hinckley passed away

Justin in case you haven't heard President Hinckley passed away somewhere around 6:30pm tonight. Good for him, sad for us.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Eric and Hadley's Christmas concert-didn't get any really good pictures of the concert itself but here are a few pre-concert pics.

A little behind-

Here are santa's helpers-Justin was there but he would have nothing to do with Santa too old for that-NOT! I was busy taking pictures most of the night for the ward but it was still a lot of fun to watch all the kids come through and enjoy santa's lap.