Wednesday, December 12, 2007

What is this you ask?

Yes for three hours from 9pm-12pm on Tuesday night a little grey mouse kept Marc and I chasing him. Marc first spotted him run across in front of the fireplace and bookcase into Justin's room-ggrrrrrr a mouse not in my house. We talked for 20 minutes or so to speculate how he got in. Eventually we got the guts up to go into Justins room and two and half hours later the mouse was under a bucket and on his way OUT!In the pictures the mouse is stacked under Justin's lego bucket and the empty dishwasher soap bucket. He was dumped in the street, hopefully not injured.


Kymberly said...


Alli said...

EEEEEKKKK! I HATE mice. Although I prefer them to rats, based on sheer size. R.O.U.S.'s (from Princess Bride) would be my worst nightmare.

Heidi said...

Hi Sister! I have a google account and a blog! Anyway, remind me to tell you my mouse story ]. it's almost as good as yours!

Amanda Davis said...

I hate mice! I have a hard time walking around my house if I know there is one! Larry never believed me when we had some in our old house!